Thursday, October 11, 2007

BLAH !!! Super cleaning the house.

It's been a while since I last posted an entry and I should be more up on what I am doing in my life. The last few days I have been "super cleaning" my house. I mean truly cleaning. I seem to have more energy now since I have been on the 5-HTP for a while. My mood swings are nearly gone and my husband and I get along so much better than we have in a while. Don't get me wrong, I DO still have my bad days. However things don't seem to bother me near as much as they used to. I have been able to stop using my "family communicator" because I am able to better communicate things I need from my family. It remains a part of my life however and it showed great improvement in my family's ability to better understand what was going on with me. My husband has begun to read up on my illness and ways to help stabilize my life. All and all things are going wonderful right now. Here I go, back to cleaning the house. I wish you all a great, fun-filled day. Remember life is what you make of it, Don't waste precious time regretting things, learn from them and become a stronger person.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Today is good

Today I seem a lot more stable than what I have been for months. The 5-HTP is working wonderfully, less mood swings, more rationality, no fuzzy-headed feelings. I feel really good. I have been running myself ragged and doing things for everyone else, which is leading to neglect of MYSELF. I have always had a problem with this though. I am always willing to do whatever it takes to see those I love happy even if it means making myself miserable. If only I could find a way to add some degree of pleasure to my life. I just figure that if you do for others in time that they would return the favor. Well, with some people that thought is completely absurd. Well, here I go to start my day. I'll try to post tonight and let you know how my day went. If anyone has any ideas for adding pleasure to my life feel free to add your comments by clicking the comments link, I'm always willing to try something new in hopes of a better life.

Much Love,

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I'm doing better tonight.

Today went well. For the first time in a few days I actually felt like a normal human being. I wasn't all fuzzy-headed and all went really smooth. I spent about an hour sitting around just petting Token. That really helped to keep me calm and I can't thank God and this great litter for saving my relationship with my cat. The 5-HTP is working really well, I only took 100mg tonight and I am pretty tired. I was busy doing a lot of things tonight. But the 5-HTP has proven to be effective so far. Good night and sweet dreams. I'll post tomorrow.

It's working...Wonderfully

Well, yesterday I went to Petsmart and picked up Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract cat litter. It was $13 for a 20 lb. bag and I really thought I was nuts for paying this price but was willing to at least try it. Also, I found a rebate form for the cost of the first bag to be refund to you with the UPC and receipt. So what did I have to lose. We brought it home and put it in Token's litter box. Within just a few minutes like magic he was using his litterbox. He is still using it today and haven't found any messes through the house yet. I am so relieved that this product worked and I would definitely recommend it to anyone with a "problem" cat.

I also came across a wonder pill for my bipolar disorder. Until last night I not been taking anything for my bipolar. The medications that I was on became to expensive. It's amazing how the pharmaceutical companies have such high prices on the meds that you need so badly. But low and behold. I was doing research and found 5-HTP It's difficult to explain how it works but, I followed the recommendations for dosage on a bipolar sight 200mg @ bedtime, 50mg in the morning and at lunch. I started taking this last night and I feel wonderful, I got a great nights sleep and have felt edgy or irritable at all today. I'll keep posting on how well it works and any side effects that I may have. It has been a welcome thing for me, and I am truly ecstatic about this supplement. Last night when I first took it I did have very bothersome nausea and dry heaves, then this morning I was a little nauseous but am doing better this afternoon. The nausea is common for the first few weeks until your body becomes used to the supplement. I have to go out into the world and do a bunch of errands now and won't be back until late, I'll try to post when I get home or early tomorrow morning. Come back soon.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Here I go again

The day started off bad, and I am very tired. I haven't been able to sleep well in two days now and it is really starting to catch up with me. After a very rough night from my family complaining about how horrible of a person I am, I have decided to spare the cat and try something that my husband found at Petsmart. I hope it works, that way everyone is happy again. I am truly able to say that I am almost at the point of just not caring anymore. Sometimes my family makes living with Bipolar a whole lot harder than it truly has to be. I am not that difficult to get along with. But, I am capable of making everyone around me as miserable as they make me. Hopefully this cat litter will work and I'll be able to report a better outcome than I have for the past few days. Well, Here I go again, off into the world for an opportunity to have a good day...check back later to see how things went.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Just as I suspected...

My day was exactly as I had figured it was going to be. Let's see, right now I am very angry, hurt, disappointed and pretty well confused. For two months solid everyone in this house has been complaining about our cat. So, I finally heard enough of it and put a classified in the paper for someone to take him to a good home. Well, now I am the most hated person in the world. My daughter even went as far as to tell me to leave the cat and get out of the house myself. Wow, how wonderful and supportive family is, huh? So, most of the day was spent arguing with family over my cat, and the rest was spent with me being very angry, mostly depressed though. I can't imagine my life without my Token and I feel as though I have no choice.
I am extremely tired and emotionally drained and need to go rest. This ends my post for tonight. Sleep well, because it's going to be another rough night for me. Come back tomorrow to see how my night was and how my day is going.

Last night sucked...

As I had suspected I had a really rough night. I couldn't fall asleep and then when I did fall asleep I tossed and turned the majority of the night. I really feel bad this morning. My eyelids are heavy and I just want to go back to bed and sleep the day away. However, I know that if I do that I won't get back out of bed today. So, I guess I'm awake and going to start another long day that from the way I'm feeling is going to be another day on a horrible roller coaster ride. I am already on edge and ready to snap at the slightest thing. Guess it doesn't help that I'm PMSing too. Well, I suppose I'll try to make the most of my day and I'll post again tonight to let you know how my day truly went...