Monday, October 1, 2007

Here I go again

The day started off bad, and I am very tired. I haven't been able to sleep well in two days now and it is really starting to catch up with me. After a very rough night from my family complaining about how horrible of a person I am, I have decided to spare the cat and try something that my husband found at Petsmart. I hope it works, that way everyone is happy again. I am truly able to say that I am almost at the point of just not caring anymore. Sometimes my family makes living with Bipolar a whole lot harder than it truly has to be. I am not that difficult to get along with. But, I am capable of making everyone around me as miserable as they make me. Hopefully this cat litter will work and I'll be able to report a better outcome than I have for the past few days. Well, Here I go again, off into the world for an opportunity to have a good day...check back later to see how things went.

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